Monday, September 7, 2009

Obama school address.

I love satire. Especially when used in politics. And this cartoon is truly perfect.


The issue of why President Obama wouldn't release his speech to the public was seriously 
overdramatized. This isn't the first time a United States President has addressed our nation's 
youth (Ronald Reagan and Clinton for example), so why the concern? So much concern, that 
parents have said they plan to keep their kids home from school or plan to go to school with 
them, on the day of Obama's speech. And now all their misguided concern (expressed mainly
by Republicans) seems pretty ridiculous, after it's release. I read the speech, and it's completely 
harmless. His message does nothing more than provide children with guidance, encouragement,
and a source for inspiration. Really, nothing that could ever be construed as indoctrination or 
"brainwashing," which is what some Republicans were asserting. I can't even find any subtle 
attempts to push his policy on students. Instead, he encourages children to do well in school, 
listen to their teachers and parents, and have goals for their future. It seems now, after the 
transcript's publication, opposition for his address seems fallacious at best. Was protest made 
because of concern for our children, or was it due to a personal dislike for the president 
himself (and a very partisan opposition to any policy decision or initiative made by the 

As Frank Luntz, a onetime strategist for Republican candidates stated, "Conservative critics need to pick your battles, or at some point the public will stop listening." I couldn't agree more. Republicans are ready to oppose any and all things proposed by our President, even in instances where it might help our economy and citizens in need.

Below is a link to the transcript of the school address:


  1. Our country is becoming just as bad as the radicals that we so violently protect ourselves from.

  2. Very nicely put my dear sister. Opposition to the President's speech was sorely misguided, premature and just made those objectors seem very silly and paranoid!
