Sunday, June 28, 2009

I could use a hero right now, you could use someone to save.

I went to Whim So Doodle Monday to teach my canvas class to teachers and staff. It was a farewell to our beloved Jen. We will miss her so much. She is such a source of inspiration and creativity and her talent knows no bounds. Below are some pictures from the class. You will notice the canvases all are different utilizing different papers and composition. My class was a non-traditional class. Very laid back and open for interpretation. My canvas was a source of inspiration and each person did their own thing. I, along with a few others, used Basic Grey's, Wisteria line. It's such a beautiful line with deep purples, blues, and white. I derived inspiration from my other canvas where I used Basic Grey's Ambrosia line. The composition is similar and I used the same painting techniques. It's at WSD now. I will post pictures soon!

Jen and I!

Jill's *almost* finished canvas. It turned out beautiful!

Stacey and her very creative canvas.

Get a group of women together to "scrapbook" and this is what we really do.

Jen and Kayla


Monday, June 22, 2009

There was nothing in sight but memories left abandoned.

It's endless, really. 

To Do List:

- Learn how to use my Garmin
- Decide how I'm going to refinish Gram's dressers
- Buy everything to refinish dressers
- Refinish dressers
- Fill out paperwork (almost 10 pages) for appointment
- Schedule dentist appointment
- Purchase fabrics from J's
- Work on Smash's wedding album (haven't been able to in awhile...)
- Organize room
- Continue looking for places to live in PA and NJ
- Send Immunization records to Rutgers
- Start looking for a job for the fall
- Finish packing (ugh)

Monday, June 15, 2009

Let's paint the town, we'll shut it down...

Tomorrow and Wednesday I'll be in St. Augustine with my good friend, Christina. She is the one good thing that came out of my short-lived job at Crafts and Stuff in Orlando (it went out of business). We became close after the store closed. It's funny how some things work out. We are so alike- it's staggering. Sometimes she thinks we share a brain. We have 4-hour lunches and "cupcake runs" and movie/dinner nights. It's a shame I'm in Brandon now, 100 miles away. Otherwise, we would see each other more often.

I love my time with her and I love St. Augustine (so much, that I considered attending Flagler College for my undergrad). I love small towns, but St. Augustine was a little too small for any kind of permanent residence. Alas, I still love visiting. There are some great antique stores and boutiques in St. Augustine...and I love any excuse to dine out.