Thursday, August 20, 2009

She likes the boys in the band, she knows when they come to town.

This is what my apartment looked like the first couple days after I moved in. It's much better now. Just a few boxes with books, papers, and magazines which I plan to keep packed. I'm SO thankful for my two (semi) walk-in closet. They're pretty big. My bedroom closet can accommodate *most* of my things- all my purses, hanging clothes, boots, hats, and all my shoes that aren't already in my hanging storage on the back of my door. Christmas items, tree, coats, and some scrapping stuff are in my hall closet. And I love that places up north have linen closets. Never saw those in Florida. 

Don't you love that U-Haul advertises, "Size Matters!" on their boxes (3rd picture)? Such a double entendre.

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