Despite today being one of my least favorite days of the year (single or not), it wasn't all that bad. I had to work, which made it easy to forget what day it was. After work, I went and saw, "He's just not that into you" with the fam. Including, my father, who was completely aware the movie was a chick flick. It was fantastic- definitely a movie I plan to buy and watch over and over again. I've read the book the movie was based on and a good number of the stories in the book appeared in the movie, which I was happy about. I think it's a movie every girl and guy (although unlikely) should see.
Gigi's character is the stereotypical "pathetic and desperate" girl (the one, I am sure, many girls and guys can relate to, sympathize with, or pity) who obsesses over why "he hasn't called," wondering why guys never say what they mean or vice versa. If you haven't seen the movie and plan to, you'll see that Gigi represents many of the qualities we possess as women, the good, bad, ugly and crazy alike. In the movie, a switch occurs (actually, a revelation is made) and we see that guys are just as capable of acting as neurotic, obsessive, and tongue-tied as women when they like/love someone and believe, either correctly or incorrectly, that the feelings are mutual. Stupid in love applies to both men and women.
Surprisingly, I found myself favoring an unlikely character in the film...can you guess who?Perhaps it has something to do with the fact that I'm very seldom attracted to guys who are like me and he certainly was not anything like me. I'm sure it also had to do with the level of confidence he possessed as well as his eager willingness to impart wisdom on a certain someone...
My day ended with a piece of ganache, chocolate cake that dad brought home, a gift certificate from Pottery Barn (love) and a planned "girls night out" for my mom, sister, and I (with dad, or as he says, our "driver," for the day) in April.

i would like to follow your blog but i can't find the "follow your blog" link. hehe.