21 things I learned in 2010 (+2 months in 2011).
1. I can't use chopsticks. No matter how hard I try.
2. I knew a puppy would be a lot of work. But I didn't know just how much work until I brought her home.
3. It's important to be as politically correct as possible. Burning bridges is not advisable.
4. There are people who are meant to be in your life and then there are those who are not. Focus your energy and emotion on those who clearly want to be.
5. I want to move around as much as possible, while it's still possible.
6. I'm having a love affair with cupcakes.
7. New Jersey is not where I plan to settle down.
8. I may never like wine.
9. Trans-Siberian orchestra was, by far, one of the best concerts I've ever experienced.
10. Confidence needs to come from within first (work in progress).
11. The only person you can count on is you. After all, you're the only person looking out for your best interests.
12. I need to focus more on things I have control over, and ignore those that I do not.
13. I do not miss living in a place that feels like summer 11 months out of the year.
14. But I do sometimes miss the sunshine.
15. ...not enough to move back south.
16. Getting a Masters is no joke.
17. I only (for the most part) watch dark and depressing crime/law dramas.
18. After bringing home Gizzie, I discovered, maybe I can be maternal. It's just buried deep, deep, deep down.
19. I need passion in my life again.
20. I CAN like martinis!
21. I wish life was more like the show Glee.