Saturday, December 25, 2010

Little red bow.

My Giz-aboo.

The bow lasted about 10 minutes. Then she tried to eat it.

Sunday, December 5, 2010


Be prepared to be inundated with puppy pictures.

That is, if I can get her to stay still for TWO seconds. And perhaps, if I can get her to stop charging me and the camera every time I try and take a picture...then, I might get at least one cute shot.

I've named her "Gizzie." I can't take credit for the name, as a friend thought of it. It started out as "Gizmo" and soon evolved into Gizzie. After what seemed like a year's wait, I picked my pup up from the breeder this evening. Much to my relief, the lil one slept the entire drive home. And that's over a 1.5 hour drive. She was such a good girl.

Today marks the day that nothing will ever be the same. Today marks the day that everything will change. My little Gizaboo.

Love her already.