This summer, I made the decision that I wanted a puppy. This wasn't a new or sudden revelation. I had to leave my yorkie, Chloe, in Florida with my parents. She is 14 years old, and I knew her soul couldn't take the move. I miss her everyday. With my move away from home, I knew I wanted to get a dog soon after I settled in my new place. My sister suggested I wait 6 months. By then, I would have a fairly regular schedule, which is important for puppies-routines and consistency. I agreed. A year passed, and still, no puppy. The delay was mainly due to my parents not supporting the idea of me getting a puppy. In their mind, I wasn't ready, for a number of reasons. After a great deal of thought and ongoing research, I decided that since I would be the one to take care of the puppy, I was going to determine when I would get the puppy. After all, I will be responsible for her, emotionally, physically, and financially (including the initial cost of the puppy). So I took the plunge. For the past month and a half, I have been reading about puppies, surfing the web, and researching breeders in the Jersey and Pennsylvania area. I plan to get a female, yorkshire terrier. It will be harder than I thought though. As it turns out, (of course) female puppies are more difficult to find as litters usually consist of more males. I hope to have the puppy by the end of December, just in time for a visit from my parents for the Christmas holidays. Dad is coming for a week, and my mom will be staying with me for about a month. Mom is looking forward to filling the role of "nanny" (as she says) to my puppy. The puppy will be a "winter puppy" so sweaters and fur-lined boots for in the snow will be a necessity. I haven't even found her yet, and she already is a fashionista in the making.

Chloe's first trip to the beach, 2009