I know I'm a bit late in this realization, but I love Vampire Diaries. I haven't been able to watch it consistently as I have class Thursday evenings until 9. But, the two weeks where class has been cancelled (this Thursday being one), I was able to catch the show. At first, I was completely opposed to the idea of liking it because it felt much like Twilight. I was getting some serious deja vu. Later, I found out that the Vampire Diaries books were written pre-Twilight. It was then, that I could fully appreciate the show. Or is it Stefan who I truly appreciate? Probably more of the latter. Stefan is...beautiful. And his physique, even more so. And his brother, initially, I didn't like Damon. Mainly because he's the "bad" vamp. But, his cockiness and an ever-present air of arrogance is starting to grow on me. His good looks don't make it too difficult to like him. With that said, the show is still a little juvenile, a little high school, and predictable, but alas, I like it. Not everything in life needs to be overly thought-provoking. I have enough to think about with school. Sometimes a little eye candy and some vampires suffice.

Dark. Pale. And handsome.
The brothers.